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If mountains could have a soundtrack...

14. October, 2023
>> Links >> Music Library >> Celeste

Ah, Celeste. While the story didn't resonate with me, the crispy visuals, environments, music, sound design and juicy gameplay certainly did.

Disc 1

A lot of the tracks here are a mix of different variations of the same song that play at different times ingame. I found some YouTube videos that extend certain variations to 1 hour with some in-game ambience and included a link to those in the paranthesis behind some tracks so that if you fancy only a part of the song, you can go there and only listen to that (at the cost of some potentially undesired ambience).

Disc 2 - B-Sides
Disc 3 - Farewell
Doesn't have any music that quite catches me. It feels alright.
Disc 4 - Madeline's Grab Bag