Notes on...


A few use cases I found for this

13. July, 2023
>> Links >> Notes on... uBlockOrigin

Use Case: NeoCities

Seeing how much views and follows I have on NeoCities is contra-productive. It makes me focus on the wrong thing. I shouldn't make this website with the goal in mind of how well it's performing in terms of how many people see what I do. I should make it because of whatever purpose I feel right now to work on it (whatever that may be). My brain eagerly latches onto these numbers and prescribes them way more meaning, making me emotionally invested in something that I shouldn't be in.

Because of this, I blocked all the HTML elements that display views and follow counts using the following (messy) filter list: > div > div > ul > li:nth-of-type(3) > div > div.col.col-50.profile-info > div.stats > div > div > div.col-33 > > div.stats > .col-50:nth-of-type(2) >

As a nice side bonus, it removes the slight bias I have towards websites when I know their view count. I can look at other people's websites and judge them purely on their content without having subconsious feelings about how "popular" they are.

As an addandum, here is also a filter that removes all feed items where it says "<Website> followed <Website>" because it bloats the feed and is just not interesting to me.

As a result, most pages of the feed are just a few or 0 entries long, which is certainly funny to see.