A list of projects I have come up with (and am potentially even working on) and ideas for things that I think are neat. Not even one of the things here is anywhere close to being done so this page really is just about having a place to document and dream about cool stuff I've thought of.
A reimagining of Starbound to my liking, removing half of the game and building it anew in the way I see fit. It will probably never be finished, but it's fun to think about how to unlock a game's full potential.
The Dark Sea / Black Ocean
A Minecraft Adventure Map & Modpack combo about exploring an underground ocean that's drowned in pitch black darkness. It's one of my attempts at capturing my strangely persistant fascination with exploring a large ocean in a video game (other projects in this vein would be the shelved "PlanetCharter" or "Ocean Fog Adventure" or just small, quick ideas I've had of putting stuff into oceans in various sandbox games). There's just something so cool and mysterious about the setting of a large sea full of strange islands.
At the moment I envision the gameplay to be a mix of parkour, exploration, solving mysteries and finding new and interesting (and sometimes hidden) locations.
Random game design notes and ideas that might or might not work!
Since the parkour would err on the more casual side (and it would be a lot of effort setting up a parkour system with checkpoints, reset areas (especially considering that with areas such as parkouring on the side of an island I would need to differentiate between the player doing parkour and seeing the water as a reset point or the player just travelling through with his boat) and other things), I would add an item similar to the Travel Medallion from TLoZ: BotW & TotK where you could quickly set up checkpoints and then teleport back to them, thus making the player set their level of challenge themselves by deciding how often they would set checkpoints. In a way, this reminds me of the freedom both recent Zelda games give the player and I like that.
2x the Detail!
A building-focused Minecraft modpack that changes the scale at which you build. The player is now 4 blocks high, and with the help of the F8thful resource pack and a few mods, it actually is kind of playable and fun to build with!
Theoretically, the modpack itself is not really hard to make. The thing that blows this project's size out of the water is a demo world I want to make which showcases what's possible with this new way of building. It's a 200x200x100 large cube I want to fully furnish, with the four quadrants each holding a different theme: City, Forest & Nature, something with a lot of differently styled buildings & Vanilla Minecraft.
Super Bomb Survival
A Teardown mod that adds a new gamemode that's based off of
the Roblox game with the same name where you're put in a small map and need to survive
a variety of falling bombs. Due to Teardown's focus on destruction, I find this gamemode fits Teardown very well!
A Celeste mod with the scale of "Celeste 2", basically adding 8/9 chapters with B- & C-Sides with the same difficulty level, with the goal of having more of the same to play through. Storywise it would follow a similar introspective girl making her descend into a deep, mysterious pit (which was in no way inspired Abyss World... No. S-Shut up!) because of reasons I don't know yet (it will be a great story).
Random ideas:
Finding padlocks and notes of other people that visited the place beforehand, allowing to tell stories of other characters and to show more about the main character as she reacts to these little memorials.
A core concept of the game could be opposites: Just like climbing a mountain and descending a ravine are two opposites, so too could other elements be the opposite from the vanilla game. Ideas include:
Instead of talking to a cast of supporting character, the protagonist is all alone, with only their own thoughts, observations, diary and signs of humanity in the environment around them to have as company. There is no single word spoken by another person other than the protagonist.
A game about charting the islands and mysteries of an unexplored ocean planet in a book you can freely write in.
An application made in Godot that would allow the creation of one's own Rumor Maps similar to the one present in the Ship Log of "Outer Wilds". I've had 2 spurts of motivation towards making this, both stemming from playing Noita and wanting a place to track down all the mysteries and leads in the world. I would say I'm quite happy with the result from the 2nd spurt, although it's far from anything finished.
While working on this in Godot, I remember distinctively disliking Control nodes, anchoring and positioning text fields, images and rects to make sure it looks alright in edge cases like the inner text being really long or the parent container being stretched out.
Screenshot of the thing I'm most proud of: A halfways good-looking map selection screen!
A Rain World mod which adds a more traditional campaign with worlds and levels. Each level would be a few screens large, have an entrance and exit and have different set goals (eat x of food, survive x time, kill x creatures), limits (time until rain comes) and (optional) challenges (collect collectible, bring collectible to place x). Completing all or a certain amount of goal criteria would unlock the exit. Every "region" would be an overworld or hub, from which you could access at least around 20 levels, and the gates between regions could be locked by the amount of levels beaten in the region / in total throughout all regions.
An animated wallpaper depicting the map screen from the game "Celeste" in a pixel art style, with features such as adapting to the time set on the computer, dynamic weather like storms and foggy mornings, pretty colored skies and wind ambience, giving time to relax while having a pretty mountain view open on your monitor.
I originally made this for Wallpaper Engine, but since I switched my computer from Windows to Linux while making it, decided to port it over to Godot, where it now wastes away as another unfinished project on my hard drive.
Terraria Mod: Golfer Class
A Terraria mod that would add a new combat class called the Golf Class.
One key mechanic I've thought of is to make it so that by holding left click with a club held, the player would automatically throw a golf ball from their back that arches over the head and then lands in front of where the player would hit the ball when they release the left mouse button. This gives the golf class a kind of flow where instead of holding or clicking LMB repeatedly like with the archer class, you'd have to time holding and releasing LMB to successfully shoot golf balls.
Random Notes!
Accessory that randomizes the time between ball throw and hit but increases damage.
One fun part about this idea is about all the different golf balls that can be implemented.
One key visual that lives in my head is the "Firework" weapon from Shellshock Live.
...so that the club and armor decide the majority of how much damage the projectile deals while the balls used mostly change how the projectile/ball behaves.
Activity Logger
The draft of a note-taking software that should eliminate the problems I have with other such software, styled like the Nintendo 3DS activity log (I've had an earworm of it's music for the past hour and a half or so I've been working on this projects page).
The main thing I like about this project is just having the visual ideas of how the UI could look, although I just generally have a knack with having all these cool ideas about potential projects.
I want to share my sketches I made since they really highlight what I like about this.
An idea for something wiring- and golf-related in Terraria. Imagine a grid of 10x10 medium to large squares that are connected to each other on each side, with walls that can either be open or closed. On the start of a round, you pick a random start and end square, and from the start point, randomly open up the walls between the single squares until you have a path to the goal / end square. Your goal is then to golf from the starting square to the cup in the end square through the walls that have opened.
The progress on this is that I have a functional prototype I'm really proud of, but it's somewhat unoptimized (it somehow breaks multiplayer in an unexpected way and makes my computer go loud with larger maps (10x10)).
This idea would be best showcased in a video, so I should probably make one one day.
Snippet Writer
A piece of software where you can write snippets of text that you can then freely arrange, fork (make a copy of and modify it) and optionally give more features to (if you're inclined to program them), and then arrange these snippets into larger texts. This could maybe help with structuring bigger texts by letting you move parts of writing (snippets) around easily. Additionally, it might be possible to put snippets in a library so you'll still have that snippet (like a paragraph) saved even though it isn't in the final text, which might help if you're still unsure which version to pick.
It might be a lot of effort for something you can just achieve via copy and pasting in normal text documents, but there might be some neat things you can do with it.
Minecraft Parkour Gym
A Minecraft map inspired by the Gyms in "Celeste: Spring Collab 2020" and "strawberry jam collab" where you could learn and train parkour moves and movement that vanilla Minecraft and mods have to offer.
Mods include:
Par-Cool! - An actually really fun mod that adds wall-jumps, vaulting, cat jumps, fall breaks and a lot of other movement that is fun to chain together and feels great to play!
Grappling Hook Mod - Maps to master using grappling hooks to zoom through extreme distances and to make the furthest and weirdest of jumps
Create - Creative ways on how using certain elements from Create to create fun parkour maps and movement stuff.
Minecraft: My World
An experimental world which I would try to use until the day I die. It is somewhat lightly modded to add more creative possibilities to the game and anything I would build in vanilla (+ a bit of modded) Minecraft would end up here from now on.
Below is a list of notes and ideas I fantasized about while lying in bed yesterday.
The Inner Hollow
Worshipsake/Relic of the Sky
Tower of the Hole
Dungeon Runner-esque place
The Dark Sea (Parkour with self set-able checkpoints like with my Dark Ocean project)
Hell's Hook (Parkour challenge starting from island formed like a hook where the player gets a grappling hook and has to descend into the deepslate layer which is rebuilt into the nether; similar to silver grapple).
Course where youd have to fly through caves with an elytra (Geometry Glide)
Parkour with create iron boots but no breathing unit so youll have to be quick to not take damage.
Pinwheels similar to DKC TF whde youd have to jump from one to the other
Check if you died comes when respawn instantly is turned on.
way to set max health to 0.5 so that any damage kills you?
Arena survival where waves of enemies come (potentially always/mostly aware of your presence?) and you have to survive for as long as possible
A custom spawnpoint that temporarily overrides ones own bed
Temporarily change drop rates/datapacks (cmd bloc /datapack enable)? (Enemies dropping ammo in arena mode)? Enemies with guns that can be blocked with shields? Higher ledges to double jump onto and take cover in. Flying enemies that can counter that, needing that bit of time to clear out the ground a bit
A placw to reset temporary changes made by these things (max health, gamerules, datapacks, equipment/inv (sync mod?))
Command block to change entity data of chest to taken replace items while being opened.
A mod that adds a glass wall between two chunks that were generated differently.
Armor that doesnt have any defense but is enchantable. A trinket that can be enchanted and whose enchantments can be toggled with a keybind (for double and wall jump)
Making Clay Soldiers presets using command blocks to spawn items and soldiers (extra stuff like reinforcements, horses in middle ir random arena events / modifications after 60 seconds / random time). Spawning x amount with goggles, etc.
I gather the resources that are fun to gather and skip/find a way around or an alternative for those that Id feel like theyre a waste of time
Painting gallery like I wouldve liked to make in AC:NH
Pictures gallery with pictures from places over the world
A giant miniature world map
Parkour with Jump Height effect
A datapack command to reset everything back to normal that every attraction can just call whrnever the player leaves.
Loading schematic files/structure blocks to load up different maps for mob/clay soldiers arenas
Massive Labyrinths like in BOTW
The Terminal
A game with a simple premise: All you can do is type commands in a computer terminal, and through learning and observing you discover new ways of interacting with the terminal as well as more info to the world the game is set in. Ideas:
The game comes along with a foreign manual that has instructions on how to use the terminal. One twist on this could be that the manual is written in a foreign, made-up language (similar to TUNIC) and thus only somewhat understandable. Commands use this foreign language to not make the game easy by just having computer nerds know all commands already. Anything that's printed as output would be in english/readable language though (which would bring up a world-building question of why it does so despite only accepting commands in this weird language)
Alternative Minecraft Album Covers
A small project about creating new album covers for the soundtracks of the newer updates of Minecraft (starting from the Nether Update) that are in the abstract style of the covers from Volume Alpha, Beta and the three Update Aquatic tracks.
Absurd Farming / Farmer's Skyblock
An idea for a Minecraft Skyblock modpack where you'd plant a variety of strange seeds to get more blocks and materials to expand your block with, like growing dirt with the help of dirty seeds. A quick idea that got uninteresting as quickly as it was interesting.
Rain World: Cat Mod
A mod that visually turns Slugcat into a cat, maybe even adding an ability for it to meow. A cute mod that I think would be fun and easy to implement.
Spectacle Maker
A fun piece of software my mind cooked up during New Year's Eve 2022, beginning with the idea of creating a program to simulate fireworks, letting you make your own ones by tweaking various parameters (Amount of particles, color, how particles move and behave, how long the rocket takes to explode etc.). Then, there could then be multiple modes: In one mode the software would randomly spawn prebuilt and custom created firework rockets. In another, you could create a series of instructions of when to release what rocket where and have a little firework show that you could then share with others!
Layered Music Player
A program to listen to layered music. You basically feed this program multiple audio files which play simultaneously and you can adjust the volume of each file as they're playing. The original idea for this came up with video games using this same technique of fading audio files in and out to create dynamic music based on what's happening in-game. And since most of the official soundtracks for games only feature one definitive mix of all audio files, it kind of undermines the many different ways those dynamic tracks could play.
Real Life Achievement Maker
A program with few, niche use-cases with which you could make your own achievements, achievement trees and the like.
Ocean Fog Adventure
A linear Minecraft parkour map about jumping through many islands and structures in an ocean covered by a thick fog. The game would be seperated into chapters, with some chapters introducing new abilities like double-jumping, grappling hooks and wall jumps.
Thematically it's simply inspired by the background of the level "Garden of Khu'tara" from the Strawberry Jam Collab, with the inner part of the map having an elevated ocean that you'd first have to climb by islands portruding out from the side.
A series of Minecraft survival singleplayer playthroughs with a modpack with which I dived into the Create mod for the first time back when it was in v0.3 or something. It grew a bit, both in terms of builds and in mods, and was in general a small, pleasant world that lost focus like most sandbox worlds I create, with most things being incomplete and kind of not really wanting to work on them anymore.
The things I remember fondly about this playthrough - First iteration:
I liked my home that I carved into a small hill right to the side of a ravine. The workshop I built there was cozy, and especially the window felt really nice to look out of, especially when it was winter ingame and I could see it snow
I built a cute little dog peeking out of a small cliff-face and it's adorable.
Second iteration:
This was the time I tried implementing a subway system where instead of typically travelling via a minecart on rails, it was all flooded with water and travelled via boat. I love something about the imagery of that (with the station being a long stretch surrounded by to stripes of water), and since I also managed to connect it to the ocean right next to my beach hut, it was also convinient! Sadly, my world didn't really get far and so I couldn't bring this idea to it's limit (like with designing multiple stations, or really having a purpose for it), but I would like seeing it someday, perhaps even with mods that added quicker boats?
Minecraft Mod: Recipe Browser Book (Not happy with that name)
A small QoL mod that removes the recipe book functionality and makes the recipe book button instead toggle the visibility of JEI, REI etc. (Whatever is installed. Just like how CTRL + O would do in JEI). Could additionally retexture the book on the button to better indicate when this mod is installed. Should probably be focused on being competible with as many recipe browsers as possible.
I wouldn't know how to handle if multiple recipe browsers were installed (Pointer: How do the recipe browsers themself react to that?).
Minecraft Mod: Timed Screenshots
A small mod that takes a screenshot every minute (or other configurable time frame). The intent being that you can look back at your playthrough someday and see every minute of the journey.
Minecraft Mod: Simple Weather
A mod that adds more possible weather states, based on the fact that the /weather command has potential for more.
Light Rain
An alternative version of rain that's more subtle visually and audially. The sky wouldn't be as dark, the rain drops more sparse and transparent and generally less loud. Biomes in which it would snow also have a lighter snowing variant when it's lightly raining.
One idea is that every time it would rain in-game, it's preceeded by a random small period of light rain to ease into it and make it less sudden, ranging from a few seconds to a few minutes (although those are extremes).
Rain- & Thunderstorm
The idea behind this is that it's louder/more chaotic and inhibits the vision of the player through rain drops, a darker sky and maybe medium-light fog than normal rain/thunder weather.
For the desert, a sand storm could occur that lowers visibility drastically (maybe a few blocks?). One idea here could be that if you are high above the desert the visibility would return to normal.
The Thunderstorm would just be the same as the rainstorm except with the addition of thunder, similar to how the thunder weather is just rain but with thunder.
Other tweaks
Sleeping doesn't always end the current weather.
Currently, as far as I know, rain lasts a determined amount of time, but that time gets skipped once a player sleeps in a bed. This kind of sucks because I sometimes like the rain ambiance, but need to sleep because it's dangerous at night. My idea is to subtract the difference in ticks between when the player slept and when he woke up from the remaining time, letting the weather sometimes still remain upon waking up.
One potential problem I could see with this is that players might want to skip thunderstorms because the thunder could create fire that could burn down something like their base or a surrounding forest. For that, I think a config option to disable thunderstrikes creating fires in the first place or the option to turn thunderstorms into just normal rain upon sleeping would be optimal.
Minecraft Mod: There's the Sky in my Ocean!
A small visual tweak that I have a hard time describing into words. Just look at the comparison screenshot below.
Mock-Up of the visual change in upmost quality
Other things:
This would fix being able to see the sun & moon through the ocean horizon during sunset/-rise
How would you determine what color to use?
The fog when underwater should fade to the ground color instead of the sky color.
How should it look like when a single block of water floats in the air? Just like holding up a water bottle in real life, you would see the sky through it, but that isn't possible if you just plumply replace the sky color with the ground color. Maybe you only make it so that the underwater fog changes the color to the ground color so that only water that is far away from the player has the ground color? So fog that is not underwater fades into the sky while fog that is underwater fades into the ground color. This implementation would still have the edge case of having that floating block of water right on the place where the fog starts really ramping up, thus displaying the ground color instead of the sky color.
That previous paragraph is a mess!
Minecraft Mod: Floaty Boats
A mod that would change existing boats / add new boats that, instead of sinking, would float up like the one's before 1.9 did.
I just want to be able to build boat race tracks with multiple levels and just generally want boats to be more useful.
Terraria & Starbound Mod: Build Mode
A mode to streamline building by removing the player, only leaving you to control the cursor with a freely moveable camera and additional tools (like tools to draw rectangles, circles, line etc.). One good example of what I mean would be Axiom for Minecraft (although probably not at that scale).
Optional config options could include "If to consume items like blocks while in this mode" or "If to limit the editing radius to x blocks around the position the player started the mode at".
Minecraft Mod: Actual Books
A mod that generally increases the page size for writeable books so that they can fit more than 2-3 sentences, allowing for better long-form writing. Could also alternatively add books with increased page size and let vanilla books stay the way they are to increase compatability with old worlds/redstone contraptions.
Basic accessible formatting options like strikethrough, italics, bold, jumbled or double-sized text for things like headings
A way to view 2 pages at a time side-to-side, like with a real book.
Things to think about:
This is speculation, but I think writeable books save their data as nbt, and since bigger page sizes means more text and therefore more data per page, one would probably need to think about a size limit before things start becoming inperformant/buggy.
Basics: What font size, line height, amount of lines per page and width of page? Testing with GUI Scaling - when does it clip out the game window with GUI Scale: Auto when near the lower threshold (e.g. close to the window size where scale would change from 2 to 1)
Create's Clipboards as inspiration? It feels like I can write more on them compared to books
Minecraft Mod: Better Jukebox Stereo
A mod that either disables stereo audio for Jukeboxes specifically (i.e. plays them as mono, with volume only being affected by distance to player) or plays the side that is facing away with reduced volume (like between 70% - 100% depending on angle. In comparison, vanilla is between 0%-100%) to make the effect still work but more subtle and less annoying. This mod idea exists purely because I find it really annoying having to face my Jukebox as I move around unless I want one ear with too loud music and one with none at all as I move around the jukebox and do some crafting or inventory sorting or something.
Things to think about:
Compat with mods that add jukebox minecarts or Etched which adds a different type of jukebox.
Other minor game saves I currently don't have the energy to write about
Starbound: The "Turtle Cruiser"
Create: Above & Beyond (Attempt 1)
Create: Above & Beyond (Attempt 2)
Create: Above & Beyond (Attempt 3)
Other minor project ideas I currently don't have the energy to write about
Rain World Region Mod: The first chapter from Celeste
Celeste Custom Map: Celestial Reopening
Celeste Custom Map: Eye of the Storm
Phone App: Diary Lining
Game: The Last Breath of our Universe
Minecraft Map: Mountain Resort
Minecraft Map: MadoCraft Real Estate
Madorica Real Estate: Real life puzzle using my house
Terraria Mod: Top-Down (Mini-)Golf
Terraria Mod: Floating coins
A small mod that would allow placing floating coins in the style of Mario games where you'd collect them once you touch them. You would place them by right-clicking with them selected, and could mine them with pickaxes to make them drop.
One additional idea would be an item called "Guide to Greed Moderation" that would act similar to items like "Guide to Environmental Preservation" and prevent the player from automatically picking up these floating coins on touch while it's activated to make building maps with them easier.
Terraria Mod: Ambientic
A mod that would add various types of ambience to the game. One of the things I've thought of was to make you able to identify in what kind of place you are in just by listening. At the moment a mod called "Terraria Ambience" does a fair few things listed here.
The Basics
Footstep sounds
Object-specific sounds (Campfire crackling, leaves rustling in the wind if it's windy)
Sound cues that would play when an event was about to trigger (A horn blowing shortly before the Goblin army attacks, slowly hearing the ground shake as King Slime approaches, whispering before Moon Lord appears)